West Norwood blips

By KandCamera


Today has been mostly about getting soaked by the rain and then sitting around in wet clothes on buses. Not fun and not conducive to taking lots of photos. This was one of a few bad shots I took with my phone from the window of the bus. At least the rice farmers will be happy with the weather - they like floods because it means better rice next year. Everything in my backpack is damp, despite having a rain cover for it. And Hue, where I am now, also has flooding - right outside my hotel. 

I have to leave Vietnam tomorrow. I should have got a visa in Beijing but when I was in Beijing I thought I'd just very quickly go to a couple of places I'd been to before and then leave Vietnam. Almost as soon as I left Beijing I changed my mind and wanted to spend more time here but I wasn't anywhere else I could get a visa. So I came to Vietnam on the 15 day visa exemption scheme and my time runs out tomorrow. It's gone very fast. But I'll come back. When it's stopped raining. I still need to check out how Saigon has changed.

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