
... dancing. Always.

Today was free dress day at school, with the option of fancy dress for those who wanted. Katie decided to be the Sugar Plum Fairy. So off she went in leo, tutu (which i prettied up last night), tights, silver shoes and her hair done ready for panto. With the addition of a tiara. We left school with her friend and katie was dancing away. I asked F if she'd been like that all day. "Yes, she didn't stop!" was the response!

As we walked home, we heard some Christmas music. We looked to where it was coming from and saw an estate agent near us was playing music and had a snow machine. She wanted to go see the snow and we realised our friend was there in her own tutu, and pointe shoes. Katie and Fiona twirled and danced in the snow together.

They'd had a quiet day st school- morning assembly, play time, lunchtime and a movie afternoon. At least she wasn't exhausting herself, beyond the nonstop twirling in her tutu. She said to me "mama, other people chose to wear normal clothes, but this is normal clothes for me so I don't mind being different".

Evening show tonight but I have Balletbaby for the night so I'm not chaperoning. My girl was excited though as she got a lift with her favourite big girl, who's mummy is also her favourite TA from school. She's sleeping over tonight with balletbuddy, though she's not impressed at that. She'll crash as soon as they're done though hopefully. Ballet party day tomorrow, so they need lots of energy!

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