The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

The day of Maisie's haircut has finally arrived! Unfortunately she wasn't very happy about it. I virtually had to carry her into the room - and she needed to wear a muzzle for the brushing and cutting, so her face hasn't had much attention!

Poor thing - she seems to get frightened of more and more things - when she first arrived she seemed quite fearless - now she lunges at bikes, resists being brushed and groomed, barks at most people, especially if they take her by surprise. She also often snaps at children, though I'm finding if I tell people to let Maisie approach them first, she's absolutely fine.

This afternoon was mum's care home Christmas party. I'd been thinking of taking Maisie but had a rethink and took her to doggy day care.  She had a fab time and is now shattered and sleeping soundly!

I had a nice time at mum's party. There was a chap with recorded music singing Christmassy songs including some sing along Christmas carols. I sat next to mum on a sofa and she rested her head on my shoulder and tickled my arm.  :)

Here's Maisie looking clean and shiny!

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