
By DancingAly


Little B, when he spied my mum getting her camera out! Or he could be feeling sorry that I have to work until Wednesday.....;-)

A busy day. We made handprint angel Christmas cards. I was going to take a picture to blip but I forgot. It's the work Christmas do tonight. I never go. A friend at work and I were chatting after school, and we were having a moan about work. She said she felt that we (teachers) were lowest in the pecking order, and that I was on the bottom of the pile. And it upset me. I covered it by being funny, I always do. My quip is usually "I wear that badge with pride", but I do feel it. And it pissed me off.

I should have called her on it. I tried to step back and think. And I know that A would have said to me " I wonder why she needed to say that to you?". Because it gives her something I guess. Hmmmm. But I am trapped in a vicious cycle of negative reinforcement with this job.

Anyways. I was supposed to meet my friend J tonight, but she wasn't well. I'm secretly relieved, as I'm pooped. I overslept this morning. We're going to catch up tomorrow maybe.

I have another viewing tomorrow, which is good. Hopefully we might get an offer, as the one last week never called back, which is a bit disappointing.

Fingers crossed.

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