Who am I to disagree?

By longshanks

Using the naughty step

"She's done it again - that's the fourth time this morning! If you're exasperated by your child's behavior, set out some clear House Rules and put them into force using the naughty step technique."

I would like to point out that it is the above quote that uses the term she - it would be more than my life's worth to infer that only shes are naughty, anyhow here am I on blipfoto's version of the naughty step.

As you may have read six days ago I re-submitted two of eleven entries that had been suspended to see how they reacted - one I simply overwrote the photo with the Olympic rings the other was basically the same photo i'd originally submitted, but rather than cropping it and making it look pretty I left it quite obvious that it had been taken off the TV.

Well here we are six days later and nothing. Even though it says "Your entries below are currently in the moderators' approval queue. Don't worry, they'll be looked at very shortly." Not a blip from blipfoto, obviously "very shortly" has a different definition when you're on the naughty step.

So what to do? Well a couple of days ago I made the decision that in that they rejected the original TV shots I don't hold out much hope of the more obvious TV shot being accepted so let's take the simple approach. This series is all about the Olympics and what makes them great, so let's choose an international theme and overwrite the photos with National flags - no worries there surely?

Hey well actually there is. - There's a time lapse between me taking the photo above and me finishing this write up and hey, blipfoto have responded - three cheers for blipfoto. Ah, but they've suspended all your national flag blips stating they're just copies of images. Yeah, I know, but that's the concept of this series and it's not like they're copyright or anything - look at the big picture here please. Yeah, but there are rules, no point talking about big pictures when there are rules to follow, where would we be without rules and those that enforce them? Where indeed!

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