Dalston Ernie

Slow and easy clipper boat ride up the Thames from West Greenwich to Westminster, seeing London from a different angle, the Globe, the Fancy facades, all the old reclaimed wharfs, now made good/history lost, in an endless parade of dock land des res'. Ooh but how much treasure would be on those foreshores, half covered in river mud. All that silty water doesn't deter the seals, especially the one that did a perfect leap and dive near Columbia Wharf right beside me. Up to Westminster but wisely leaving immediately (if you've done it once, why endure it again), by tube, train and foot through endless crowds to reach Ernie's house in Dalston. He's quite some cat, large in nature and generosity, he even sublets one of the rooms to two humans. Ewan and Nicky seem relatively well house trained, though Ernie disproves of them having visitors around. Out at night to meet up with Dave's pals and some glorious street food.

Thanks Ewan and Nicky for having us.

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