Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

Vacation Time!

Corra being surprisingly worried about the end of the dock.

We arrived at the lake house sometime around 5ish pm. I had (embarrassingly) fallen asleep around 1pm for just a quick cat nap since I had been running around like crazy all day trying to get stuff done. I didn't wake up until 3pm and I still needed to pack!! Good thing the rental is really close to our home ;)

The house is amazing - tons of sleeping space, a really good sized kitchen, fresh herbs free for the picking, a fenced in yard that leads down to some stone steps that then leads to the dock/water. The water itself is a lovely warm temperature, great for swimming :D Corra is kind of worried about the dock. We were getting her to play fetch with her floating bumper and she was near the end of the dock, where it starts to get deeper. She eventually decided that she would jump in from the dock ... and immediately regretted it since she was fully submerged :D She was a little panicky even. I felt bad, but luckily she was wearing her life jacket and it was really easy to pull her out.

My sister Jessica and I did about 2 hours worth of grocery shopping, got back to the house and put it all away and then decided we were too worn out to cook! So we just ordered some pizza. We had a nice campfire afterwards and called it a night :)

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