Handsome Fellow

We had a full day today. In the morning we went to the Hilltop for breakfast with the Whatcom Community College retiree group. It was a smaller group and we sat across from Earl whom we hadn't seen in awhile. He is quite a talker and that was just as I liked it. It was great to catch up.

Next we did some errands and got home around 1:30. I needed some quiet time so Arvin sat on the couch while I puttered. I offered to turn on music but he declined. I suited up and went out on the deck to take some bird photos. It was cold but sunny and I was able to get some good closeups. This Steller's Jay looked so majestic, he had to be my blip for today. 

Arvin was bored and grumpy by the time we took off to attend a party with the Alzheimer's group. My sunglasses fell on the floor in front of him in the car and I heard a loud crunch as he moved around trying to figure out what had fallen. Goodbye sunglasses. I am afraid I yelled at him when I heard the sound. And then I missed the turn to the party and drove awhile before I figured out what was going on.

But we made it. And both of our moods lightened as we spent time with our friends. We had a good time and talked and laughed and ate lots of yummy hors d'oeuvres, dinner and desert. And did I mention wine? We drank plenty of wine too. It was a nice party.

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