Autumn Beer

The Pharcyde - Y? (Be Like That) (Jay Dee Remix)

Although still in the throws of summer, the drink companies have released their Autumn drinks. This is something that I LOVE about drink companies in Japan. There are new products all the time, from coffees, to teas and sodas. It keeps things interesting and there are always new styles to choose from or work towards, visually. The drinks do taste different but with a tongue as under developed as mine, I can't really tell. Even though many countries have regional drinks, I haven't seen drinks sold at a commercial level like it is in Japan. Hokkaido for example sells Sapporo Classic Beer (which is my favourite beer of all time) and isn't sold commercially in the rest of Japan. Yet it's distribute en masse in Hokkaido. It's hard to explain, but once the seasons pass and the new drinks come and go, you'll feel what I feel. Pure ecstasy!

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