The Wolseley Centre

I was on duty at the Staffordshire Wildlife Trust shop today and my photo was taken as I drove in (I did stop - there wasn't anyone behind me.)

Lovely light and not so many people today.
We sold lots of duck food.

One family came back to say that an aggressive swan had attacked Snowy, the white duck, when he was being fed. She'd picked him up but dropped him! Our wildlife guard checked it out and Snowy was ok, but the same swan had tried to take a bag of duck food out of a woman's hand. (The swan was female so it wasn't a returning Asbo)

The kingfisher flew past in all his glory but soon after that, we noticed a mink on the other bank. They're a menace and we know we have them, but they don't usually put in an appearance. (Extra photo, cropped so he's a bit blurred). All the birds went quiet and left the nearby feeder but who could blame them !

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