
By DancingAly

Goodbye to K

I woke up far too early for a Saturday- 8:30am, ugh. I had to be up as a guy was coming at 11am to do the floorpans, and then a viewing at 12pm. Another grey, damp and depressing day to boot. 

Surely enough, I had a missed call from the agent to say they couldn't come today (the potential buyers) as the lady was unwell, but that they would like to reschedule. Dubious as ever, I suspect it could well be more a case of Black-Eye Friday..... I shouldn't say that, but who knows. I was disappointed, as the longer it takes to find a buyer, the more likely the house I want will be snapped up :-( 

The guy didn't take long, and then I went home and had a nice bowl of porridge and fruit. I went off to have my nails done, and then took the train into London. 

It's K's leaving drinks tonight. She made the decision after 12 years in London to go back to NL. And she's so happy! It's nice to have a plan, and I'm really happy for her, but obviously I shall miss her! I never realised how far out of central that she lived- it took me over half an hour on the tube. And then a very creepy walk along Ealing Common in the dark....

The pub was nice, and it was a really nice evening. Then I saw a pic of T and his little sis out on the town in their Christmas jumpers. I felt a bit funny, but I suppose it's progress- I didn't feel sick/shaky/want to cry/need to leave. It didn't spoil my evening.

But looking at his lovely smile made me miss him. 

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