
Today Robin and I chaperoned 25 students on a visit to the Koç Transport museum.  It is one of the best museums I have visited, with a fantastic collection of 'transport' from C19th baby perambulators, military and commercial aircraft - a moored submarine - a fine collection of engines and even a short narrow gauge train ride - all with a classic car collection that must be nigh on priceless.  This should definitely be on anyone's "must see" list when visiting  Istanbul. As so often happens when I'm having a good time, I didn't manage to take a single decent photo - hey ho.  From the pics I did manage to take, I've chosen one of the cramped cockpit in a very small commercial aircraft that was in service in 1942.  Robin and I both felt that we were unlikely to have wanted to leave the ground to travel anywhere in this rather precarious bucket!  

Weather wise, it was one of those wonderful crisp winter days. Yesterday's snow has all but gone, leaving only the temperature as a reminder.  The sun shone very brightly in a brilliant blue sky that made the Bosphorus particularly blue. 

News continues to come through about the car bomb in Kaysari yesterday. Less than a week since the Besiktas bomb, quite a few colleagues are talking about exploring their options.

Such a mixed up muddled up shook up world of a day. 

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