Only gone and done it!

Mr W and I were up VERY early for a Sunday to go Christmas shopping in Tunbridge Wells. 

I would just like to add that I had done ALL mine. It was Mr W who needed to go but did he buy anything??? Did he heck! Did I buy anything.....oh yes!!! Heart shaped scouring pads for my sister, a portable wine cooling bag for my wine drinking step mother and a sweet Pizza. Don't ask but it will be funny to see the face on the person who opens it!! (long story!)

I got the hump a bit when Mr W didnt listen to my great ideas of what to get the people he was struggling with (my 2 daughters!) (still can't get my head around the fact he is even buying one for DN2!). Actually, tell a lie...he did buy a fangle-wangle extravagant cling film dispenser from Lakeland. Im quite happy with a cheap cardboard box but there you go!

Then home to write Christmas cards. Well I write them ALL. Mr W just signs them, often asking who is who as he reads them!! I'm glad I got them done as I didn't even have the time last year - much to several friends' disgust when I announced it on facebook. They didn't believe I was too busy to even write a card, but it takes ages and I didn't have ages last year!

The best bit about writing the cards this year, was watching Mr W sign Sophie Pokes for the first time. So special I actually blipped it (see extras!).

Then after a nice hot bath and Roast dinner, I am tucked up in my Christmas PJ's watching Sports Personality of the Year. Andy Murray or the Kennys for me!

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