
P and H left after breakfast this morning, and apart from some excitement when H phoned to say she thought she'd left some rings in our spare room (she hadn't), probably the highlight of the day was getting a delivery from Mr Tax Dodger. Mr A drew my attention to the lovely sky in the early afternoon, and I wandered out on the balcony to capture it. Shortly thereafter I fell asleep for an hour or so, so missed what was apparently a really good sunset. Oh well, I'll just have to take others' word for that.

Later on there was some TV goggling.

So not a very exciting day, but I've got some challenges of the physical variety coming up in the next few days, so good to keep myself fresh for these. But I can report that there is, bit by bit, more flex returning to the knee. But's there still some way to go. I'm reluctant to set goals for myself, but I did confide one to a friend earlier this evening on messenger. I'll keep an eye open, and see whether I meet my goal, but I'm not putting it down on 't'internet.

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