
Could hardly believe the real estate office was open on Saturdays, but it was/is.  Didn't know today was 'the' day, and hubby completely forgot about it, too, because, well, it is Saturday.  Hubby went to a birthday party in the afternoon while I stayed at home, and then he got a call from the agent who wanted to know where he was and 'they' had been waiting already for half an hour.  So hubby made his excuses and left the party soon after arriving.  He drove to the agent's office and met the owners of the house and signed everything, then brought the bundle home so that I could sign.  We decided to celebrate with a dinner at the Mirabelle afterwards, but not before leaving the by now completely signed docs in the mailbox of the agent's office and texting him.  Hubby is in a daze, as we now have two houses ... haha!  And to think we got married with absolutely nothing.

These are the oysters I had for starters.  They were yummmm!

Earlier in the day, I finished my Project Management MOOC, to my own relief.  Will print out my notes at work next week.  In the meantime, I've made a schedule of the MOOCs, work-related and otherwise, I'll be taking next year because, of course, some of them will be compensated for by the boss.

Aside from that, some housework.  Tomorrow, more housework.  We have to beautify the appearance of the house now.  You know how it is -- clear some of the shelves and fill some boxes.  Mind you, it should all be organized neatly so that we can find the stuff later on.  The garage will be prepared as storage area as we never park our cars in there anyway.  Talk of project management ...

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