Life, Universe & Not Much

By micro43

Raspberry Pi in new case

Raspberry Pi brings back happy memories of home computers in the late 70's and the 1980's - FUN. Problem has been that the bare board is a bit exposed, and worrying to transport. Now I have a case for it, and one which is just as clever as the Pi board itself - it is built from layers of laminate, and works perfectly apart from a couple of my connectors which are over size (I filed them down - other versions of the same connectors fit perfectly, so more a problem with the oversize connectors than the case.).

The Pi system is fun and a challenge - after the latest update to the operating system, my USB pen drives don't mount automatically, so I have to go back to an earlier script I wrote, and I had some problems getting it to work again as an FTP server, so that I can use it as a minimal system to potentially allow me to use an iPad to not only store and process images on holiday, but also output selected images to a USB pen drive for evening review session (of course, it would be MUCH better if Apple provided a means of outputting from the iPad to USB devices!!!!).

Oh, the case is the PIBOW - I really like it, and it's made in Sheffield, not Taiwan! I think I may get another one for the other Pi, for which I have some interesting (to me) possible applications!

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