Christmas grooming

He didn't have much taken off as it's winter but a good was and scrub-up, trim, nails and ears clipped and he looks gorgeous.
The photograph is before the grooming so you would be amazed at what he looks like in an 'after' photo, which I didn't trake unfortunately!

Another blood test this morning. I thought it was because the last one was so badly butchered but Alison, the regular at the GP surgery, said it was to recheck my kidney function level.
"Ah" I said, "do you know what this lapel pin is?". She didn't so I had to explain that it was in recognition of my living organ donation. I've put a photo of the pin as an extra.
She got it then but I still had to give the blood test. That would mean about 70 gallons of blood given over the past 2 years (ok, I'm not often prone to exaggeration but I might have a little there).
To explain the design; 
The origin of the award was inspired by Mr Magi Shehata, Consultant Transplant Surgeon at Nottingham University Hospital NHS Trust.
The silver pin was designed by Liz Welch and incorporates the crossed anchor as a symbol of hope and the ancient Egyptian Ankh symbol to represent zest for life.

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