Industrial Sunset

Spent the day with housework.  Of course, there's still so much to do.  Phoned the photographer and asked if we could start putting away stuff in the garage ... or do they need to take shots of the garage as well?  No, the interior of a garage is never shot, only the outside, so we can pile up stuff as much as we wish, which is just what I wanted to hear.

Late in the afternoon, drove to work to drop off some stuff I would find more useful at work than at home anyway.  That done, back home, but I was on time for this shot taken on the Moerdijk Bridge between trucks.  The trick is to drive on the right lane so as to be closest to the water and not get too much railing in the frame.  Because I'm between the trucks, I can't drive more than 80 kph, which is better for this kind of shot.  I also had time to stop at my favourite sunset viewing point near Stampersgat and take another lovely shot there (extra).  Then on to the supermarket to fetch another four boxes and some food.  We've spoken to the moving company and of course they have boxes, but I am not going to wait too long.  Some stuff can already be put away and the cartons I've been using are good for 20 kg, and I haven't even been stuffing them to the limit, just enough so that they're carry-able without breaking our backs.

I will catch you guys later.  My adrenaline level is record high at the moment and there is loads to do, and I'm aware that I also need my rest.  THANK YOU for all your visits, comments, stars, hearts, and moral support!  I will visit when I can.

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