Copenhagen and Me.

By RtCph

Strange Case

Another of my metaphor photos. Very close to home, after a long walk, with nothing much to show for it; I saw this. So close yet so far.....and all that.

....anyway. It turns out my bottom teeth (jaw) will not rest in a satisfactory position, far enough back, to let my top teeth overlap. This means that they have to move my top teeth forward 2mm. So, cut face in half again, shuffle forward and let the fun games recommence. The bottom won't be broken this time but that's the minor part, so essentially the same deal. It can't be left as it is because it's basically worse now than before.

This is apparently due mostly to my jaw muscles being too big and stubborn to allow my jaw to move back enough. Most unusual, never seen it before, a bizzar case....etc,etc.

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