Yn cerdded i'r gwaith ac o gwmpas y dre
Mae'n amser i fynd i wneud ein siopa Nadolig. Cwrddais i i'r gwaith heddiw, oherwydd i mi fynd i gwrdd â Nor'dzin yn y noson. Pan ddwi'n cerdded, dw i'n gweld mwy na phan ddwi'n seiclo. Mwynheais i weld yn coed hynny'r bore 'ma. Roedd y siopa yn ymlaciedig, doedd dim llawer o bobol yn y dre. Prynon ni'r rhan fwyaf o'n hanrhegion a stopion ni dwywaith mewn caffis yn ystod y noson, cyn dal y bws adre.
It's time to go to do our Christmas shopping. I walked to work today, because I was going to meet Nor'dzin in the evening. When I'm walking, I see more than when I'm cycling. I enjoyed seeing these trees this morning. The shopping was relaxed, there were not many people in town. We bought most of our gifts and stopped twice in cafes during the evening, before catching the bus home.
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