
...slow pic day on the old iPhone.

Have the usual running shots from tonight. Could not get out this morning was very tired...very tired all day in fact but the run tonight increased the energy levels. That said after it I got in my pyjamas, enjoyed a nice pasta Mr R had made for tea and watched the end of The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, that a couple of the boys were watching. Then it was an early bed.

This pic was taken because I forgot my water bottle today and I like to keep a check on how much water I drink, try to drink at least 2 litres a day. So I took this pic to send to Mr R to ask him how much he thought the office glasses would hold! We settled in 250 mls :-)

The mug in the background is part of my Secret Santa present. Someone went to a lot of effort to get this made for me, which included a donation to our Just Giving page, some saltire guitar picks and some sheet music for "We wish you a Merry Christmas" with the words changed for me and wishing me a better New Year. There was several copies of the music so I did distribute them amongst colleagues later on last Friday and have them sing it to me:-)

Very grateful for the thought and generosity that went into my Secret Santa gift.

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