Meet Robin...

I can count on one hand the amount of people (I have met) that have truly inspired me to become who I am today. Robin is one of them.

Robin is getting ready to wind down his career in education after 35 years of working at Central College in Glasgow, or as us ex-students know it, Mental Central.

Over the years Robin has taught and influenced thousands of students, so naturally a group of us went back in to see him on his 3rd to last day for a surprise thank you session. He was blown away by the gesture but naturally took it all in his stride, leaving us all in awe again with his famous words and advice.

Like all of the advice I have received from Robin over the years, his words today will stay with me.

Here are just a few of Robin's wise words:

On Time - "When I started here I was teaching punks, now the students tell me, my granny was a punk!"

On Teaching
- "I still remember my first class, I went in stood at the front and the class was looking back at me and I thought these people think I'm a lecturer, I suppose I better be a lecturer then. After a while, however, you stop going into the classroom and becoming that role. You just be yourself and that's all you can be."

On Conformity - "Don't ever conform, ever. Never be something you are not. Life is much better if you stand out!"

On Qualifications
- "Don't get me wrong it is great to get them, but it is only a piece of paper. It doesn't make you who you are."

On Students - "We always get a great bunch of students in here and they have influenced/taught me over the years as much as I have them, it really is a two way street."

On Age - "35 years, it sounds a long time but it's not. I don't think I'm old, I certainly don't feel old."

On His Career - "When I first set out in education I wanted to change people's lives and I believe I have done that. I wouldn't change anything, I have loved every minute of it."

On The Future - "I think I will go back to writing/directing theatre, I've not done that in a wee while, but also catching up on some reading and I still have some parts of Italy I have yet to see. But I will teach again, at some level."

On Life - "You have got to have fun. You need to have a laugh. It's life for Christ sakes!"

Robin I am sure I am not alone when I say this, you are an absolute gentleman and the place won't be the same without you.

All the best for the next chapter of your life.

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