Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

...Flying high

I'm missing a bit of my mojo today but I liked this shot of the three mute swans in flight. I captured it this morning when I was out at Paulinskill Wildlife Management Area with the Audubon group. We walked about 4 miles, along some wetlands and in light woods - very nice walk. Saw this small group of swans take flight - the nice thing about swans is that they fly nice and slow, allowing lots of good shots. Not like those tricky little hummers! I was torn on whether to blip this or a puffy Cedar Waxwing but I decided this one was the one. There is something about swans in flight that just really speaks to me.

So, last night I got a call from my doctor's office with the results of the Lyme test I had last week. Turns out I've got Lyme, and apparently I've had it for awhile. Yuck. Let me say that again... YUCK. Anyway, I started a 3-week course of antibiotics today which should get everything under control. I suspect this is why I've been so damned tired lately. Grrr. This has been especially bad year for deer ticks (the carriers of Lyme Disease) and since I am so frequently outside tromping around on trails and in grasses, not a big surprise that I've gotten it. Still, I am careful to apply tick repellant when I go out ... but guess one got past my best defenses. Sneaky little bastards. Death to all ticks, I say!! Rant over.

Thank you all for the many comments, hearts and stars on yesterday's SMH (Single Male Hummer). You probably shouldn't encourage me with the hummer pics ... it is very likely that you are going to get MANY more in the next month! I have get my fill of them before they start heading south. The males will leave sometimes in September, followed several weeks later by the females and lastly by the juveniles. They do not migrate in flocks, but rather alone. Imagine a bird that is only about 3 inches long, traveling thousands of miles all by itself?? It is one of nature's most amazing things - kind of like the monarch butterfly migration.

Well, hope you are all having a super Wednesday!!

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