
By TrishaR

Last Day

It was a sad day today as my buddy Gemma, in the green here who I sit next to is moving to Dubai as her husband is moving there with his work. Her Leaving do coincided with the work Christmas party!

Very important with sitting next to someone is that they have no annoying habits which cannot be said for the person taking her place.....

There was lots of drink, tears, laughs and gossip. Gunga here with us joined at the same time and they became close friends. It's sad and unsettling when someone who should leave after you do leaves before you.....

Going to miss Gemma very much. But there are plenty flights to Dunbai from Glasgow :)

New French doors and front window installed today. Look lovely and no more draughts. That's all the old double glazing replaced now apart from the front door:)

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