SPhotography-One Year V2

By SummersPhoto

New Merchandise Part 2

Well today I received my Stephanie Summers Photography notebooks today which are looking super sleek!! I love them!

The day on the other hand hasn't been so amazing!

Started driving to the office and had to pull over as flat tyre. Fast forward to this evening and found out 6 other cars in the area have had their wheels slashed. Looked at the broken wheel and it is definitely slashed. Cannot understand people that do this. Phoned the police and they have now logged it. New tyre fitted though so at least I can get about!

Then, I got a letter from Oxford council saying that we had driven down a bus lane when we were there last week. I remember the spot too, there was no where to turn around as it was one way to get to the car park!! There was loads of cars too that day, so they will be making tones of cash on that one!

A lovely chat with my lovely friend brightened my mood, then when I went back on the computer to see that I had been left a not so nice comment by a local who wasn't pleased about me running my courses in a certain area. Not what i was expecting, but take the rough with smooth. A little competition didn't harm anyone and let the best man - or woman in this case! - win!!

In the mean time - aren't my notebooks and albums pretty?!!

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