Two More Days

I woke up this morning without any voice. Igor thought I was whispering. Even more bemused when I said (in a whispering voice) "I'm not whispering". I'm not ill very often so he doesn't know how to deal with it. He's had the whiskey bottle out several times (for me not him!) but that's probably just about exhausted his nursing skills. I've got lots to do so I'll survive. 

Mum arrives tomorrow if she doesn't get caught up in storms or threatened transport delays. She's coming on the train from Manchester.

This is my emergency blip I made it with the same paper clips I used for this blip. So for all of you who were shocked at the wanton waste of paper clips (you know who you are :-))) I've bent them back and returned them to the paper clip tray. No-one need ever know!!

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