
By trisharooni

Lilyfield Lights

I had a blip planned tonight, but detoured past some stunning Christmas lights in Lilyfield, and changed my mind.
I've seen bigger displays, but none better than this, at 176 Lilyfield Rd.
I had trouble choosing, but decided to go with these life size and original Disney vintage working models of the Seven Dwarves who masquerade as elves at Christmas.
It was difficult getting a perspective on them, as the small front yard was very crowded.
I was surprised to see that the lovely couple responsible are young and hip, not at all what I was expecting.
Aside from the fab display they provide costumes and other entertainment for the children, and donations go to Sydney's homeless.
If you're in Sydney you could do worse than take yourself along.

The elves are now an extra:)


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