City Lights

The only picture I took on this day.  I'm afraid the "busyness" has created a rift between my camera and I.  Posting this a day late, but determined not to miss a day in December.  

On Wednesday night Jon and I attended a Solstice meditation.  Calm, peaceful and serene.  Good words from the woman leading it, nice meaningful acknowledgement and then...

A friend of Logan's from high school was performing at an open mic night for a comedy thing in downtown Manchester - of course we felt we wanted to go and support his first effort at "standup"!  And because of the timing on the meditation we'd be out and about at 9 p.m. and not have to drag ourselves out into the cold night from our cozy living room.  

The one thing we learned is that we don't belong in a singles' bar on a Wednesday evening (or any other evening for that matter).  There was a small contingent of friends from high school (nice to see them) and the comedic Silvere (his family is from the Ivory Coast of Africa) was very uncomfortable with us being there.  Let's put it gently and say all the comedians were pretty X-rated (save for one), not Silvere.  He did his routine and some of it was kind of funny, but he stepped off that stage to come over to us in the front row, gave a big hug and kept repeating "I'm so sorry, so sorry."  It was definitely meant for a younger audience, but all in good fun.  An experience I won't need to repeat soon.

P.S. Maybe the red lights were a warning... just saying.

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