
Busy morning in the office followed by a lovely visit to the Christmas Market to meet one of the charities we've worked with at the Castle since August... my new friends Claire and her Medical Detection dog Pal. Read more here.

Pal gave me headbutts and leant on me which I am told is his way of saying "I'm your friend." Pal uses smell to detect blood sugar levels of his owner Claire which saves her from slipping into a coma. Amazing and such a wonderful charity.

Thank you to all that entered the EXPLORE challenge this week. Over 40 creative entries made it incredibly tough to choose my hearts and stars.

Next Monday's challenge is SPEECH inspired by this event in history when Churchill became the first British prime minister to address US congress.

Please tag mm153, Mono Monday 153

This week's hearts and stars go to...

gblrps for a beautiful shot of a science building

FrankS for recalling his Brecon Beacon adventures

BikerBear for a quirky Santa truck

JanJen for exploring an old family clock

tedwin for exploring memories of travel

Crispin25 for a vintage compass blip

TMLHereAndThere for making me envious of imminent exploring

ilkkavalkila for her globe inspiration

I can't recall who is January's Mono Monday host if someone can let me know please!

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