Today I popped into the office of our local homeless charity to deliver donations from a pub carol singing. The Bishop jollies things along, helping to empty glasses and empty pockets. As I walked to the office I stopped to chat with a homeless man in the streets. This is a tough time of year for many in our communities, often unseen. The Children's Society estimate that every year 100,000 children in the UK run away from home. This number is unchanged since 1999. Some groups of children are more likely to run away:

Children in care
Children who are absent or excluded from school
Children who use drugs and alcohol or are in trouble with the police
Disabled children or children who have difficulties with learning
Children whose parents’ relationships have broken down

So thank you to all those in pubs, clubs, schools, offices, workplaces, churches and homes who help open doors for the homeless. It's tough out there.

The blip is of the logo of the homeless charity.

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