You bet

Just sat down to watch Masterchef and realised I haven't taken any pictures today and then, out of the blue, a friend sent through this old picture of me. Can you tell where it is?

So today was a quiet one, starting with a small lie-in, some admin and article-writing, a walk with Son2 and the dogs, and a trip to the vet's for the dogs' final booster vaccinations. I've just realised that when I was talking to Nicolette, the receptionist (about Dee who hasn't been well) I paid the bill without without checking how much it was. I imagine it was a fair whack, as usual.

On the Volvo Woman front I had a nice reply from the police who have supplied me with a crime reference number to use with the insurers. Having looked at my car in daylight I don't think there's much point bothering them but I can take a little comfort from the fact that the woman is now on the database. So if she does it again to some other innocent shopper, you never know, the records might match up.

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