The Shenstone Girls

My friend Pam is the steward at the local Shenstone Club.  The Shenstone Girls (4 of us) are developing the habit of meeting up there at times of need...  (Whatever).  Tonight we have been to the Slimming World Party and decided we needed a little drink and light relief afterwards.  At least three of us did.  Maria has a bad cold so was going home to bed.  Funky Vicar, Lovely Pam and I went for a little drink.  Very uplifting it was too.  Life is bringing me some wonderful friends recently, and my long standing friends are showing just what good friends they are too.  An old College friend phoned me today to check that all was well.

So here are the Shenstone Girls, with a bit of Prisma!

On a different issue, I am hoping that my Booths Supermarket order will arrive tomorrow and that my M and S collection goes as planned first thing in the morning.  Otherwise Saturday will be spent food shopping!

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