A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


Productive things:

Haircut and dentist for Anna.
Trousers exchanged for Jackson
Dog walked
Ingredients bought for baking tomorrow
Last Christmas present bought (I think/hope)
Washing done
Our mattress turned so we can no longer sleep in peril of damage by escaped spring
Everyone fed and watered

Less productive things:
3.5hours (elapsed time) of Olympic Monopoly with the kids. There will be more tomorrow as Anna is out and J and I battle it out to the bitter Capitalist end. Given how much I generally hate Monopoly I have actually rather enjoyed it so may need to revise my opinion. It still takes a feck of a long time though and I am now very behind on paying my expenses and present wrapping.

I'm not quite sure which heading it goes under but after his difficult day yesterday Jackson spent the morning recovering in bed watching the Die Hard trilogy. Sometimes he is a normal teenager.

And Anna passed her singing exam.

Lesley x

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