Red Flash

By RedFlash

Busy doing not alot

Day off today as I needed to get the car MOTed

I considered going into London in the morning so that I could blip some more mascots but I slept in instead.

Once I was up I walked into town - blipped some bollards. Ran some errands and then walked back.

This one is for Ted and Peg Hone. This is the first one that I have seen that is not sponsored by a shop or a company

Go large to see the leaf

Dropped the car off to have his MOT done and wandered around Hungerford while I waited.

The things that made me smile: When I walked into town I called into the sweetie shop and bought some cinder toffee for a friend - its like Crunchie bars. I left the rucksack open while I went to get the car MOTed. I later found an empty pink and white striped paper bag by Milo's bed. Yep - he's had the lot!!! He obviously preferred them to my rhubarb and custard

Exercise: Walked into town and back

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