Rainy Day in Oregon

By jerispics

Secret Postcard Society

I was gone all day today, watching the grandies while mom had an appointment. The two oldest were there too, so that helped out. We went into town to have lunch, went to the p.o. then came back to my daughters house. The older kids were playing with the Wii, Gracie was on the back deck playing in her playhouse (or so I thought) and I was trying to get the little man to go to sleep. I'd just laid him down when I heard Gracie scream. I ran out to the deck and she was just climbing back onto it after being outside it on top of the hot tub (covered). She had been stung twice by a yellow jacket, I suspect. Once on the back of her right arm and once right between her eyes. Poor baby. The two oldest kids came running up the stairs to see what was wrong, Nathan woke up and didn't go back to sleep. Gracie and I sat on the couch with a popsicle. She seemed fine after the initial stings. I know it hurt though. She's a trooper. Then what I had for lunch didn't agree with me, so I was so glad when momma showed up so I could go home! I hadn't taken a photo for the day so thought it might be a good blip to use the post cards I've received from members of the Secret Postcard Society. I asked my hubby if he'd help me with the postcards. He said yes and stood on a 6 ft. tall ladder to take the pic for me. (I don't do ladders). We picked them up, put the ladder away and I reviewed the pics to find they were blurry! I had neglected to reset to AF and he didn't notice, being of a certain age where reading glasses are needed, so I was grumbling about it and he offered to do the whole thing over again. Such a sweetheart! He's a trooper too. So out we went with the pc's and the ladder and did it all again! He even removed the gopher head the cat had left for us so it wouldn't be in the pic! I think he's a keeper. Please ignore my brown grass. We've been a bit lax about yard work this summer. If you've made it through this far, you're a trooper too! Hubby thinks SPS stands for Supporting the Postal Service.

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