Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Orange dragon

Once again, blip material seemed rather thin on the ground today. I would have thought that the dry season would be better than the wet, but as the dry season progresses, this seems not to be the case. I guess compared to UK insect blipping, it is still very rich but I am used to having more shots to choose from.

At one point I could hear a loud bee, I looked around but with my mono hearing I just could not get any direction. Something caught my eye and I looked up. Right above my head was a swarm of hundreds of bees, working a huge bunch of what looked like dates. Clearly blip has helped me over my wasp problem, as I year ago I would still be running!

I took plenty of shots, but failed to capture the essence of a swarm. I will have to think about it and hopefully have another go tomorrow.

This pair of orange dragons was the best of the rest. I quite like this 'one behind the other' idea and am always looking for such opportunities. Not exactly mind blowing, but I am sure tomorrow will be better.


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