Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Food prep day

With my folks coming tonight, today was mega food prep day.  I did quickly go into town for one or two things I’d forgotten I’d already bought, eek! and briefly visited my neighbour who’s just out of hospital and needs me to pick up a prescription from the chemist tomorrow.  Yes, I could have done without that, but she is very sweet and very unwell and if you say, “Is there anything I can do to help,” you’ve put your head in the noose and have to mean it.
I’m not going to go through all I’ve cooked today because you will mostly have been doing likewise, I guess.  Suffice it to say I’m pleased with the results.  But I am very sorry to say I’m turning off my comments until Christmas night as it’s the only way I know to cope.  So can I wish you now a very happy Christmas, with all the peace and joy possible.  I know Christmas isn’t great for everyone, but I hope it's kind to you and my thoughts will be with you one and all.
And I will, of course, still be looking at your journals and clicking on all those well deserved hearts and stars  xx

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