My tree

Today's the day ......................... to be outside looking in

I felt sure that you would want to see a picture of my Christmas tree.

As I've said before - it started as a tiny seedling that I found in our garden one day when I was weeding a border.  I have nurtured it since then, re-planting it in ever bigger pots until it has grown to the size it is today.  After Christmas is over, it will go back out into the garden to grow a bit more until next year.  I'm very proud of it - even if it is a bit lopsided and bare in parts.

I went outside to take this picture looking back in - and you'll see the drops of rain on the window pane.  They were left after Barbara rampaged about for most of the day.  She managed to blow down our garden fence and just in case she had her eye on the flagpole we took it down out of harm's way.

I think she's headed on up to the north of Scotland now.  Hope she's not doing too much damage up there .........................

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