Four Seasons In One Day, London

I had a bit of a rollercoaster day today. It started with having to drag my sorry self out of bed to get the train up to London. The few of us fools on the train (it was less than half full - which is very unusual) who hadn't booked the day as holiday all sat in a kind of resentful silence - or maybe that was just me! When I got into work ,as predicted, it was very quiet but I had a list of paintings to shoot that I thought I'd better start on. So I put some rousing music on and got on with it, albeit rather slowly.
I took in a bottle of prosecco in with me to share with my other colleagues who were also in and at midday we stopped and had a glass or three and wished each other a great Christmas and New Year. It was a lovely relaxed way to end the work year. In the end it was just two of us who headed for another drink as we both had things to collect from shops in Soho. The pub we went into had the added bonus of two rather sleekly beautiful twin black cats which wandered freely round the establishment winding between people's legs, jumping up on the tables, allowing themselves to be stroked and making themselves very comfortable by lying on people's bags! The thing I went to collect was my new camera which I'm really excited about investigating and trying out over the holidays.
The problems started when I tried to get a train home. At that time of day the trains are short - usually four carriages instead of eight and they were all rammed. I tried to get on one but that's when a panic attack kicked in and I had to get off. I hadn't had a full on one for months but when they do hit it's bit like a relentless predator chasing you down - your heart's beating so fast and you can hear it's deafening hooves getting closer and closer. So I decided I had to get away from the station for a bit to try and calm down and luckily my brother phoned me, which really helped. I also decided to go and look for an image for today and that's when I spotted this rather lonely, melancholic Christmas tree - I thought it was strikingly beautiful in the artificial light that leaked into the darkness.
Eventually I got back to the station and on to a train - this time it was eight carriages long and I had virtually a whole one to myself - bliss. When I got home we went out for a lovely meal and a bottle of wine and it was so enjoyable. So it really was Four "Seasons" In One Day (check out the song by Crowded House of this name, it's one of my all time favourites) emotions wise at least.

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