
By Beewriter


...I can do festive, when I want to!

It was an early start, but thankfully the roads were empty and I raced into town. I couldn't stand to wear a Christmas jumper or even my Bah Humbug T-shirt as it drives me mad when I have nowhere to put my pen or all the bits 'n' bobs I carry around with me. So....I stuck some baubles on my tunic, wrapped some lights around me and plonked an angel on my head....and I went as a Christmas tree. 

I almost didn't make it home though. I drove the lorry today and when I arrived back at base I parked up and then had to unload the blood and the stock cage. I couldn't lift the back door on the lorry as the ramp had fallen and wedged against it. It went up just enough for me to get my arm in so that I could push the ramp.......but as I stuck my arm in I had to let go of the door and it came down on my arm and I couldn't lift it....I was stuck. I thought it was going to be a case of 127 Hours and I would have to use my scissors from my pocket (thank goodness I wasn't in a Christmas jumper with no pockets!!) and cut my arm off. I wouldn't have been missed until I didn't turn up for work......

"Help," I yelped. Thank goodness the other team arrived back at the same time and Audrey was unloading their blood, she came running to my rescue. I put the scissors away....I have an arm for another day...phew!

I have a festive little treat in the fridge which I'm about to eat now, a traditional Christmas goodie that I bought yesterday.....a Cadbury's Cream Egg!!!

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