
Another delightfully long lie-in. Coffee brought to my room and eggs cooked just to my liking. Yeah, I'm thirty three years old...what of it? #hatersgonhate

Finally got to meet the utter dreamboat Tom *swoon*, Jenna's beloved. We had great coffee and amazing food and wonderful conversation (and dimples to die for) and then he carried my bags *swoon*.

Onto the hospital to visit grandad. I'm definitely the only family member that derives a weird amount of pleasure that he's in the Left Wing. Brilliant! He seemed fairly content and (mostly) cheerful and I found it pretty sweet seeing nan hold and stroke his hand. See, my heart isn't entirely made of stone.

Quick half with R&J to get the festivities started (but not so festive to render me incapable of cooking a curry). Ate enough curry to feed a small country. Drank the beer that had been recommended earlier today. Japanese beer with a hint of coriander and orange peel.

Dad even bought me the Guardian. That, my friends, is love.

Happy Christmas Eve! Have a merry one, y'all.

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