my saviour

in times of trouble I turn to thee oh chocolate and caffeine filled goodness.

Today I am absolutely exhausted. Partly to do with performing an old trick of mine yesterday - doing too much and forgetting to eat enough - and partly due to the whole change of schedule that "back to school but in new schools" has brought to our lives. Four members of the family find it difficult to get up in the morning. I don't mean in the sense that most people have, in that one doesn't want to get up and would rather stay in bed, I mean in the sense of being completely the opposite kind of person to the kind of person who jumps out of bed early in the morning, ready to go and full of beans. I mean, they're kind of dead in the mornings and I perform a miraculous resurrection with them every work/school day. Zombies, That's what they are. Now you may blah blah about letting them get on with it and alarm clocks on other sides of the room etc while I wander off and do something useful OR you can just believe me that this is the case. If you don't want me thinking you are stupid, I advise you go for the latter. My lot need help waking up in the morning. The transition from near-death to at-bus-stop is not easy for them. And now, with new schools and new school starting times in the equation, instead of me getting them all up at about the same time, I have waking up duties at 5.30, 5.40, 6.00 and 6.30. I'll get used to it but right now *yawn*. I have perfected a method of bed-hopping and of saying "are you up yet" "are you dressed yet" "have you eaten" at regular intervals that allows me to doze in between but I'm feeling the strain of less sleep right now.
So, today with a sleep deprivation feeling that reminds me of when our babies used to scream all night (though I'm sure that was worse!) and my blood sugar somewhere in minus figures, I have indulged in milky chocolatey espresso-y yummy-ness in the hope that it will get rid of my headache...because, as far as I can see, today isn't over yet.
The horrible humidity at 60% isn't helping either. Bah!!

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