Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Good news

A part of the world where we really got 5 bars on the signal indicator. No wonder there are signs in Buckinghamshire telling you about the wonders of the county.

Now safely back in darkest deepest Cornwall and can't get 2 bars. Still, it's nice to be back.

RANT: Why do th emajority of people going on their jolly hollyers take all their bikes, boats, surfboards, children etc. There are plenty of places down here that rent the equipment, kids are cheap, boards a bit more expensive. If you have never driven a 4x4 over a pile of bikes still attached to the rack, while the despairing idiot owner looked on from the hard shoulder of the M5, then you haven't lived. :-)

PS The other sign on the wall is by the villagers who are opposing the construction of a 105 metre tall wind turbine in the centre of the Vale of Aylesbury.

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