the colour green

By jukeys

christmas day

Got up early and made smoked salmon and cream cheese on toast for us all, along with some Buck's Fizz. Pierre and his family had never tried it before and really enjoyed it.

We got organised for lunch whilst Pierre went to pick up his grandad.

Matthieu, Stefanie, Léon, and Mary-Jo (Stefanie's mum) arrived and we got stuck into lunch. Daniel made guinea fowl with roast potatoes and I had made cauliflower cheese to go with it. We then had cheese and Christmas Pudding for dessert.

We played bingo in the afternoon. Annie had wrapped lots of little gifts to give to people when they got a line or a full house. It was good craic.

Everyone left around 5pm and I went for a lie-down and to phone my family. The girls got great presents from Santa this year including a trip to Disneyland in Paris next year!!

Also spoke with mum, dad, and Uncle Wes and Auntie Ju.

Just heading to bed after a great day.

Merry Christmas all you blippers!!! Xxx

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