Just the Withers......

By JaneW

10/10 day...

This has got to have been one of the funniest and most entertaining Christmas days in years ..... I've not stopped laughing or being laughed AT !
It all started at the horrifically early time of 7.23am with lucy more excited at the age of 12 than she ever was as a younger child ...
Anyway at about 11 my Zoe,her partner Dan and my grandson Jake arrived .. MORE shenanigans .... oh and puppy Dexter came too .. THEN they went off to Dans Dads ....
so we all nipped out for a walk with the dogs .. only Sadie sat for the blip ..
THEN I went to collect my mum and dad ...
Mr W made the most AMAZING roast dinner I've ever ever had .. he's fantastic .. my dad got a little bit merry .. we made stupid videos with him being Barry Gibb and Barry Crier (not at the same time ) ... then we reminisced how horrible I was as a 14 year old and we laughed merrily at my quite frankly shocking antics ... all in all it was just perfect ...
oh and mum and I got so wild at moving furniture around we ended up throwing the 6ft real Christmas tree out in the garden and demanding Mr W for a set of wallpaper brushes or a sledge hammer .... he said no to both so we just sat back down .

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