We mostly spent the day hunkered down indoors, enjoying good (although not Ch****massy) food and a moderate amount of decent alcohol, since it was intermittently blowing a hooley outside and even snowed for at least five minutes. We did venture out to check on the presence of waxwings (no chance) and observe the local swan family on the Water of Leith. The ugly duckling was furiously preening itself, no doubt very itchy from the new white feathers coming through. We were very sad to observe its parents checking up on the old nest under the bridge, where there are still approx five unhatched eggs from last season still lying there. See extra. I'm surprised the local Leith rats haven't managed to get at them.

After that it was back to the food and drink and the very challenging micro-jigsaw!  (Who needs television?) And luckily the folk in the flats opposite had put up some Xmas lights so: seasons greetings from The Badger, dear blippers. Slainte!

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