Rare appearance

And just to prove that the Mish-Mop can really turn it on for the camera when it suits her.  Seeing that she has appeared in her own journal for two days in a row, and seeing that I had absolutely nothing else to brag about - it's Mishy for me today.  (She does look rather spiffy in large if you have the time, and it was taken at 1/13 of a second shutter speed).

Not that there wasn't plenty around - there was; butterflies, and all sorts of buzzy things, but none of them would stay still long enough for me to get the camera, and actually take a photo.

I was in the garden for a while, but had to finish before I got too carried away.  I awoke this morning with a very sore elbow just about the size of a golf ball.  A couple of hours of ice (two episodes of Midsomer Murders) and total rest got the swelling down, and I know I shall have to go and see the physio after the holidays. I have no idea what triggered it, but it's nasty.

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