Remains of the Day

I expect quite a number of us have been sorting out the remains of the day from a Christmas Day when the left overs have piled up.   I made a start with the turkey carcass.  It's stripped and ready for curry later on in the week...  I discovered the profiterole dessert in the fridge - totally forgotten!  If anyone in the area fancies a profiterole let me know!

Useless Information 1:  If you need to take clothing to a prisoner (1 drop only allowed for any stay and must be within the first 56 days of conviction), you have to drop said clothing (Detailed list can be provided) between 9am and 10.30 am weekday mornings.  If you want to do that on the same day you might have been able to get permission for a visit, you then have to wait until 2pm in the afternoon.  You've got to travel a distance?  Oh dear.  Oh well.  Ripples on a pond.

I've never read Remains of the Day, but I might now I've looked at a few quotations:

“What is the point of worrying oneself too much about what one could or could not have done to control the course one's life took? Surely it is enough that the likes of you and I at least try to make our small contribution count for something true and worthy. And if some of us are prepared to sacrifice much in life in order to pursue such aspirations, surely that in itself, whatever the outcome, cause for pride and contentment.” 
― Kazuo IshiguroThe Remains of the Day

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