Prisoner 24601

By Alfin

Mono Monday (Sort of)

First proper 'holiday' of the Christmas/New Year break. On my own today with the lads all out and Mrs R working, so it's been a lazy, lazy day.

Just the way I like it!

Unfortunately the weather has been lousy, curtailing my plans to get out and about, even for the briefest of walks. 

I looked out my HX300 this afternoon to keep my hand in. Now that I'm a little more familiar with some photography techniques, this camera is a powerful piece of kit. It's bulky though which makes the A6000 better in terms of portability, but still, now that I know how work it, some of the pics are very good indeed.

That said, today's Mono Monday shot is from the A6000!

Cheers and Happy Boxing Day!

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