
You've hopefully been enjoying your day!  We were/are well stocked here at home because we didn't/don't intend to go 'out'.  The weather wasn't inviting and we didn't feel like getting invited.

Two days ago, hubby's son passed by, just outside.  He was in his truck.  He got out and greeted hubby, who was working in the front yard,  Hubby hadn't seen him in three years.  He wants to organize a day with himself, hubby, and the two grandchildren, the youngest of whom hubby hasn't yet seen.  Hubby welcomed the idea and said he'd wait till son had something in mind, no problem.  Hubby told me later that son didn't mention anything about daughter-in-law and we're wondering now if they're still together.  Between us, we didn't feel celebratory although we were happy he showed up.  Time has taught us not to expect anything.  It will be a good thing if 'it' pushes through, whatever it is.

The day ended with hubby realizing he'd caught a cold and the Ellaphant having to go to the toilet four times the whole evening with a terrible tummy.  I don't think it was anything I ate, though.  It must have been the tea, not the usual one I drink but something 'exotic', plus some of the stress of the past months.  Obviously, the shot above was taken before the yummy squares were eaten.  There were four, and we had two each.  There's still more in the fridge ... haha!

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